The Author
My name is Jeff Short and, unless otherwise indicated, I have written all articles or posts that appear on this site. I have been preaching since being called to ministry in June 1999 and was ordained in March 2000 by the Heritage Landmark Baptist Church in Given, WV. I have pastored in WV and MS, where we have been living since March 2003. I am currently serving the Southside Baptist Church of Fulton, MS in a mission/church plant effort in Tupelo, MS.
The Site
ShortBooklog.com is a part of a family of websites that exist to exalt Jesus Christ and make Him known through the proclamation of His Word on an internet platform. Each site is designed purposely to host a particular type of content for the furtherance of the mission just stated.
- Short Thoughts hosts the “Short Thoughts” devotions that are written on select verses and average about 700 words. This site also has blog posts that are just brief thoughts or observations.
- Short Booklog hosts book reviews, quotes, and recommendations. These are books that I believe are important or helpful for some reason. When a book appears here, it does not mean that I agree with every statement, idea, philosophy, or the worldview of the book. Also, it does not mean that I recommend everything, or even anything, else that author may have written.
- Short Books is a part of the Amazon Associates program. Purchases and fulfillment are through Amazon. You log on and pay with your Amazon account. Any questions, problems, discrepancies need to be addressed with Amazon. This site is simply a way for me to present books that I recommend to you in different categories. As always, a book’s appearance here does not mean that I am in complete agreement with its contents, nor that I am in agreement with other writings of the book’s author. It simply means that I believe the book’s message has some value and could be profitable for you.
- Short Comments hosts verse by verse expository commentary on the Bible.
- Short Papers hosts full-length articles and essays, which are typically biblical studies.
- Short Posts is the site for articles and posts relating to the home and family.
The Goal
I shall strive on these sites to consistently post content with the following dedicated commitments.
- The supreme universal sovereignty of God
- The absolute authority, infallibility, and inerrancy of Scripture
- The complete sufficiency of Scripture to all matters of faith and life
- Literal, historical, grammatical hermeneutics
- A deliberately biblical worldview, including a comprehensive, unified life-faith view; a providential view of history; a victorious vision of the future looking for the “blessed hope,” the return of Christ
The Disclaimer
These sites are my personal sites. Therefore, the views, opinions, etc. that are expressed herein are exclusively my own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of anyone else. All content is presented “as is” with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied. All material is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Permission is granted to posts links to these sites generally and to post’s permalinks specifically. All other reprints must be approved by express written consent. That consent will most likely be given and you may seek it via the contact forms on the sites or by emailing contact [at] shortthoughts [dot] com.