Review: Behold Our Sovereign God
Behold Our Sovereign God by Mitchell L Chase
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Excellent book. This book is the culmination of the study of God’s sovereignty over the previous ten years of the author’s life. It is brief, particularly considering the topic, and very readable. The subject is vast and Chase doesn’t offer extensive, in-depth argumentation. I think that is a good thing in this case. He does touch on all the major categories of questions and difficulties and provides good, biblical answers. The strength of this book is that it will serve well to introduce someone to the sovereignty of God or to help someone who has recently begun wrestling with this hard-to-comprehend truth.
Every Christian needs to take this topic seriously and to humbly search the Scriptures for God’s revealed truth. This truth is at the center of what it means for God to be God. Without some understanding of His sovereignty, your view of God is distorted. Is He a kindly, gentle grandfather type over in the corner wringing his hands wanting to do good if people will only let him? Most Christians will grant that God has the power and does heal and they pray to that end. If God has the power to stop cancer, does He not also have the power to prevent it to start with? If He doesn’t, there must be some reason. Where does that reason lie? If God is a God of love, how does that relate to His wrath and judgment of wickedness?
There are many questions that swirl around about the reality of the universe and the God who made it all. I am not saying this book will answer all those questions beyond any doubt, but it will help give you the framework to start thinking about these things and understanding the answers the Bible does give.
If you have been fully persuaded of this truth for years and consider Jonathan Edwards to be a little light reading, this book is going to add much for you on this topic. However, if someone has never really studied this topic or they only have a cursory understanding, this book will be a big help. Even if you’ve believed in God’s sovereignty for a while, you will be blessed and might find a few new nuggets of truth.
Chase’s tone is gracious and helpful here. He didn’t come off condescending anywhere but rather related some of his own experience and struggle with this truth. He also managed to treat a difficult doctrine with practical accessibility that brings it down to earth. I highly recommend it.