Review: History Of Providence, As Manifested In Scripture, With A Defence Of The Doctrine Of Providence And An Examination Of The Philosophy Of T. Brown On That Subject
History Of Providence, As Manifested In Scripture, With A Defence Of The Doctrine Of Providence And An Examination Of The Philosophy Of T. Brown On That Subject by Alexander Carson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Some call it luck. Some call it coincidence. Some call it fate and others call it random. I am speaking of the ordering of the events in the universe. When a writer writes a story, we assume that every element is placed there by the author to serve the story. Even if it is a random, unconnected event, the author has purposely put it there to serve as a random, unconnected event. We expect that in stories but are often blind to it in life.
Alexander Carson goes through the Scripture highlighting providentially significant events. Once you begin to look for them, examples abound in the Bible of orchestrated events. Who is the orchestrator? Who is the author? God is the author who purposes all events to serve His story. Just because we don’t see the connection, that does not mean there isn’t one. This book is an excellent study of GOd’s providence and I highly recommend it.