Review: Jonathan Edwards: On Revival
Jonathan Edwards: On Revival by Jonathan Edwards
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book is made up three different works. “Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God” is an exposition of 1 John 4 where he addresses things that are and are not marks of a true work of the Spirit. This is an excellent treatment of the subject and one where sound thinking is lacking today. If I were to point out a weakness, it would be that it was written in the 1700’s. That’s when Edwards lived so you can hardly fault the man for not living longer. It’s a weakness because he was writing before the rise of revivalism, pentecostalism, and the pervasive and pernicious charismatic influence throughout the world that have mostly exploded in the twentieth century.
The other works are “A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God” and “An Account of the Revival of Religion in Northampton in 1740-1742.” These are the accounts he wrote of the revivals he experienced during his ministry. It is interesting and informative reading.