Posted by Jeff Short on November 19, 2019 · Leave a Comment
Writing a Small Group Study by Richard Sweatman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a very helpful and brief book. The author walks through the process of writing a Bible study, with examples and helpful suggestions. The real strength of this approach is that the study is built around exposition of the passage. He touches on various aspects of context, and biblical and systematic theologies. He also give suggestions concerning the use of helps in preparation. Some of the work done will be similar to preparing a sermon, but the end result is a teacher-led Bible study and not a pulpit sermon. He touches on the subject of using pre-written studies versus writing your own studies for your class or group. Though not an extended argument, he does make a case for writing your own. He also gives helpful suggestions for using a pre-written study, should you choose to do so. This book would be valuable to preachers and teachers alike.
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