Book Review: Five Points: Towards a Deeper Experience of God’s Grace

Five Points: Towards a Deeper Experience of God's GraceFive Points: Towards a Deeper Experience of God’s Grace by John Piper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a good, brief walk through the doctrines of grace. It has a bit of historical background and some practical application. It is a semi-apologetic in defense of these truths and a concise explanation of the points. Piper shows these truths to be the central ground for God-glorifying salvation, assurance of faith, and anchoring our overall theological understanding of the Bible.

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Book Review: Recovered: How an Accident, Alcohol, and an Addiction Led Me to God

Recovered: How an Accident, Alcohol, and Addiction Led Me to GodRecovered: How an Accident, Alcohol, and Addiction Led Me to God by Robby Gallaty
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great book. Gallaty magnifies the grace and mercy of God. His writing about his life is shockingly honest, but never gratuitous to glorify sin. He clearly points to sin as the problem and Jesus Christ as the answer. That is completely true of everyone of us, whether you’ve ever experienced addiction or not.

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Book Review: The Truth About the Lordship of Christ

The Truth About The Lordship Of ChristThe Truth About The Lordship Of Christ by John F. MacArthur Jr.
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good read that primarily deals with the lordship of Christ in salvation. This is a brief, practical book on the Christian life that is helpful.

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Review: Conversion: How God Creates a People

Conversion: How God Creates a People (9Marks: Building Healthy Churches)Conversion: How God Creates a People by Michael Lawrence
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is an excellent, brief treatment of the subject. Christians in general wobble between extremes on what conversion is and does in the life of a convert. Michael Lawrence speaks clearly on repentance, faith, change of life, holiness, etc. He treats conversion as the life and death matter it truly is. Lawrence also places conversion in the context of the local church, which is rarely done.

The author has called us to a clearer presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the cost of discipleship. It’s a book I would want every Christian to read and consider, but especially pastors.

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